Wednesday, June 29, 2011

RaNdOm ThOuGhT..

Dang babe! YOU doing too much! lol..

*side bar: hit me up on twitter: @spider_kee08 :]

Saturday, June 25, 2011

RaNdOm ThOuGhT..

I think pretty soon, I'm going to clean my room; and "deep" clean, meaning=dust && vacuum.. Maybe..

Thursday, June 23, 2011

RaNdOm ThOuGhT..

I have a job interview THIS Sunday; all I can say is God's timing is WWAAYY better than OUR timing; thank you Lord; all the praise belongs to YOU!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


SoMeTiMeS i FeEl LiKe ThIs..

"I do not hate or dislike men; I have a boyfriend, but I still want to represent a strong, independent woman who is not co-dependent on her relationship or society,"-Kiesha

I DiGg ThIs..

"I never really considered myself a role model, because I wasn't doing anything special; I was just being myself, living life,"-Kiesha

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

RaNdOm ThOuGhT..

So I was pondering, does irritability come with the territory? Who knows?


So ThIs MaKeS mE fEeL bEtTeR; eSpEcIaLlY 'bOuT mY lAsT pOsT..

RaNdOm ThOuGhT..

I guess people want what they don't have, because just listening to others stories you soon realize what they want most at this moment in time.. Sometimes it's an acceptance letter, friends or even a boyfriend/girlfriend.. What I want is nicknamed the "root of all evil"; I guess I do understand that concept, but to some degree you need it, just for simple necessities.. So what do we do? I sometimes feel like if I had it, I wouldn't be so bitter or sad.. But who knows, that probably wouldn't be the truth.. It's almost like I'm holding on to a dollar and a dream, literally.. I'm still uneasy about this subject, but I can ONLY have faith in God, and know that he will provide for me in every way possible, even financially.. I just need guidance, tolerance, and patience..

"..Keep writing, Keep living, Keep loving.."-Frank Ocean

RaNdOm ThOuGhT..

Righteousness and Holiness are two different things.. Society wants righteousness, but God wants Holiness.. So, which one do you choose? Think about it..

-Kidd :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

PaRt ii..

DeAr DiArY..

So here it goes.. There are probably going to be about a billion more entries dealing with this topic, but I guess this'll be the first one.. There are many variations of people, but ONLY one race that we all are associated with.. THE HUMAN RACE! Isn't that more important; does it matter what variation we are?! We are all made differently, talk differently, walk differently, etc. I mean the list goes on.. And sometimes everyone isn't going to relate or like those peculiar concepts, but it's up to US to accept OUR OWN SELVES, I REPEAT IT'S UP TO US.. I may not be as tall, skinny, flat-chested, but I'm OK with that.. Isn't that all that matters?! I don't care how people view me physically, because I know when I look in the mirror it's ONLY me && my reflection.. And in my opinion I think I look GREAT! No let's not confuse that with cockiness but it's mere confidence.. I cannot downgrade myself just so I can relate or make you feel at ease.. I cannot help when others compliment me or say certain things that may make you feel insecure.. I am who I AM.. It took sometime to accept me for ME! And YOU and NO ONE else is going to blur my view of my true inner character.. Beauty has several standards, I mean let's be real who states the qualifications for beauty?! Skin color has NOTHING to do with that! AT ALL! REALIZE THAT! Confidence and acceptance comes from within.. It starts from our roots and foundations.. The people we are today are a result of either our past and/or our experiences in life.. Beauty is more than skin deep.. That's OBVIOUS! where you been at?! You out of everybody should known I am not a judgemental ESPECIALLY when it comes to skin color and/or beauty! God is the ultimate BEAUTY in my opinion, and we ALL were made in HIS image therefore we ALL are B E A T I F U L! To be continued..

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Go-Go! :)

RaNdOm ThOuGhT..

I haven't kissed my boyfriend in 31 days; actually I thought it would have been longer than that.. Well I guess it's not THAT bad; but the sad thing is it'll probably be a couple more months before I even get to see him.. Well I guess patience is the key :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

RaNdOm ThOuGhT..

Satan is probably one of the dumbest creatures I know; this wicked encounter is actually going to make me want to worship God more; if Satan only knew.. I love you Lord!

-Kidd :)
*I would like to take this time to give a very special shout out to my little cousin Venterria Leake. She is extremely adorable, lovable && simply a wonderful person :) *

My SaNiTy && PeAcE oF mInD= jEsUs :)

PrAyErS tHaT rOuT dEmOnS & bReAk CuRsEs By JoHn EcKhArDt :)

I receive healing and health through the blood of jesus.

I receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and the anointing through the blood of Jesus.

I rebuke and cast out all spirits of slander and accusation through the blood of Jesus (Matt. 12:10).

Let all the enemies that make war with the Lamb be destroyed (Rev. 17:14).

I close the door to every demonic rat that would attempt to come into my life in the name of Jesus (Isa. 66:17).

I bind and cast out every thief that would try to steal my finances in the name of Jesus.

I bind and cast out all seducing spirits that would come my way in the name of Jesus (1 Tim. 4:1).

SoMeTiMeS i FeEl LiKe ThIs..

RaNdOm ThOuGhT..

I want to transform into the person that God wants me to be; forget the world, yall can have it; I got to do what's best for me, because my deliverance is the result of someone else's breakthrough! :)


I dIgG tHiS..

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Thursday, June 2, 2011

My DaY tOdAy..

Everyday is a good day, some are just better than others; just because the day didn't go the way that I wanted it to, doesn't mean that it was necessarily a bad day. I woke up in a pretty good mood, nothing unusual. I got up ate a bowl of cereal, my utmost favorite and brushed my teeth. Pretty normal. I went to plato's closet and dropped off three bags of clothes. Two hours later I came back. My brother and sister had dropped clothes off as well. My little sister profited $40 while my borther profited $80! So I was for sure I was getting paid! When the clerk told me my total I was in complete shock! My total came to $5.60! Yes! 5 FREAKIN' DOLLARS! I can't even lie I was pissed! More about the principle than the money. I thought it wasn't fair and slick had an upside down smile, I hate when that happens. I tried to brush it off, because it wasn't a big deal, I just thought that it meant God was going to provide for me financially in the future! We later went to the mall, which was cool. I saw an old friend from school, so that got my mind off of finances for a while. Then a so called "Friend" texted me; displaying her selfishness, which pissed me off again! I think it was just the enemy. I hope I passed that test! I shouldn't have thought those thoughts, I asked God to forgive me. We also went to Wally World, momma bought me some new undergarments, I know exciting huh?! (I don't mean that sarcastically). They're pretty! Then I later went to the good will to drop off all the clothes that plato's closet "did not want", I figured someone would benefit from my clothes and needed them more than I did, so what if I wasn't getting the money in my pocket. The doctor said that sometimes what people do, say or act will affect us. It's not a good thing it's just human nature. Jesus was affected by what other people did and said, when he wept for Jerusalem. But we cannot let that rob us of our joy or determine if we are going to have a good day. We have an internal joy that does not relate to our "current" surroundings and circumstances. Thank you Lord for your grace! I know it's not possible to be happy allllllll the time, trust me I know! But I just wish I wouldn't have let what those other people did affect and rob me of having a good day. People do not define me or my life, so why did I let it affect my day today? I took a nap afterwards which was the highlight of my day! Well that and that wisdom that that wonderful man shared with me! I am not sure exactly what God is doing, but I know he has my best interest at heart, and wants better for me than I want for myself. A lot of the times when we go through things, it's for the benefit of other people(we get blessed to be a blessing); we never know who we can bless, so that's why we have to endure, because of the bright future a head of us (Heaven). Thank you Lord! Lord, I pray you give me tolerance and awareness. I pray for humbleness and meekness. I pray for assurance and a calm temper! Thank you for your Word! THAT MAN is truly blessed! Lord I pray you bless him tremendously! I love you Lord! Amen! :)

I sToLe ThIs..

No man knows how bad he is till he has tried very hard to be good. A silly idea is current that good people do not know what temptation means. This is an obvious lie. Only those who try to resist temptation know how strong it is. After all, you find out the strength of the German army by fighting against it, not by giving in. You find out the strength of a wind by trying to walk against it, not by lying down. A man who gives in to temptation after five minutes simply does not know what it would have been like an hour later. That is why bad people, in one sense, know very little about badness. They have lived a sheltered life by always giving in. We never find out the strength of the evil impulse inside us until we try to fight it: and Christ, because He was the only man who never yielded to temptation, is also the only man who knows to the full what temptation means-the only complete realist.

                                                                -C.S. Lewis