Monday, February 28, 2011

QuOtE oF tHe WeEk..

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." -John F. Kennedy

Friday, February 25, 2011

RaNdOm ThOuGhT..

This thing has not always affected me
It didn't come into play until I got to college
"Every one's doing it," is pretty much true
There's not many of us that are not; I'm in the I'm not category
Guys are guys and girls are girls
There's no substitution for that
That's no excuse for you to engage in this type of activity
I'm really writing this to vent my feelings
I get so irritated with people who say, "DON'T DO IT,"
I mean that's easy for you to say, you've ALREADY experienced it
But I wanna hear from someone who hasn't done it, and who is in the SAME boat as me
I know there are more of us out there.. Somewhere
Sometimes I over-think things and there are A LOT of people who don't value the same things as me
But still does ANYONE see where I'm coming from?
I mean, I really do NOT start arguments on purpose, but if my personal opinion is what causes it, I'm not sure if I'm as apologetic
I probably just need to get over it, but I love you!
Doesn't that count for anything
I love Jesus!
More and more everyday I'm reminded of why I love you!
I get annoyed by sin; it's so much of it out there
I want to live righteous and holy most importantly!
There's so MANY outside forces that influence A LOT of my decisions sometimes
I really probably ALWAYS be affected, maybe I just need to learn how to build tolerance or control my tongue
I don't know why certain things happen the way that they do
Life isn't always fair
And just in case you get confused, this is not a pity party I'm throwing, because I'm better than that!
I'm just trying to get myself out of this funk that's all
With God's guidance and my obedience, I have no choice but to make it through! :)

-Stay focused, positive, and unique

Thursday, February 10, 2011

QuOtE oF tHe WeEk..

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."
-Dr. Seuss

DeAr DiArY..

Well, today was way better than yesterday. I feel like this journey sometimes takes a toll on me, but I think back and realize that Jesus had some days like that as well; he's the ultimate role model; my BEST friend; like seriously! He forgives me, he sees my potential. I REALLY appreciate that! :) Even though sometimes my actions show otherwise, I really do love him with all my heart. I'm thankful that he chose ME; little ol' ME. The girl who burps loudly on purpose, the girl who rolls her eyes when she's irritated, the girl who doesn't always think happy thoughts, the girl who isn't ALWAYS the nicest, little ol' ME! That's why I can honestly say no one.. I REPEAT.. NO ONE compares to him on this earth. This seems like a lonely walk but he is right there by my side holding my hand; unashamed. Never slandering my name or reminding me of the past. He allows me to be free and to be ME!:) I am who I am, yes, but like him is what I want to be.. I sometimes complain too much and rely on others for moral support; please forgive me.. I shouldn't do that! Work on me Lord! To others I'm an alien; an outkast; I don't belong here.. But then I had to realize that I'm a citizen of Heaven.. I know what it means to be misunderstood; your CLOSET friends sometimes may not even get you! But that's ok, because God does! I really need to work on my mind! That's where my negativity takes place; I'm trying.. I like things that certain people don't; I don't want to conform or tone down my interests for the liking of others.. It's just not natural, not to mention unfair! I'm a virgin, most people don't see the point, but I find it very important! I like chocolate and tube socks :) I LOVE my sanity! Jesus is the result of this.. I don't feel like I'm "finding myself", I'm just merely discovering "new" things about me; some that I like and others I don't.. I'm going to work on changing the things I don't like.. I wear an A-cup in bras and I'm pretty satisfied with that; I weigh 120 lbs and I'm ok with that :) I like me.. I love my smile and my weird peguin walk; it makes me who I am.. I had to learn for a LONG time that you cannot be anyone else but yourself; its TOO draining to try and copy someone ALL the time.. Sometimes I feel like I'm not treated like the way I treat others, but Im content with that; because I look back at what Jesus had to endure; no one said it was going to be easy.. I am eternally grateful for the ones around me who TRULY wanted to see me suceed:) There's nothing on this earth that I could pay you back with; yall deserve WWAAYY much more!I want to grow up and teach my children EVERYTHING that I have learned in life; many people talk about life but they NEVER say the things that are in the fine print.. I love you Jesus.. Never leave my side..

Stay encourage, positive and unique
-Kidd :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

RaNdOm ThOuGhT

My life used to be planned..
I used to sit and dream of what college I wanted to go to..
Or how my prom date would look..
I used to imagine what I thought love would be or who it would be with..
I used to stick to schedules and routines..
They became habits..
I used to like the color pink..
I used to want to play basketball and used Wheaties cereal to feed my ego..
I used to love to watch old wacky rap videos..
I used to like Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys..
Of course, we as people are subject to change..
Sometimes for the better..
I began to evolve..
I didn't make my dance audition for an elite, private college that I wanted to go to..
My prom date stood me up..
Love is so beyond my imagination and assumptions..
I'm in love with a guy from Haiti..
I never rely on an agenda..
I like purple..
I'm a dancer..
I love to watch old hip hop videos..
I like R&B..
I had to learn later on that, my life does not go according to my plans, but God's plans instead..
He is in complete control, and knows what he is doing..
Instead of thinking of what I don't have, I'm going to focus on the things that I do have..
Everything happens for a reason..
Sure it's a clique` phrase, but it is all so true..
I am ok with who I am and where I am in life..
It's not permanent of course, because we as people CONTINUE to change..
I can't let my circumstances define my purpose in life..
I am very certain that it all will work out for my good..
I am, who I am..
Simple fact..

Stay focused, positive, and unique..

Thursday, February 3, 2011

QuOtE oF tHe WeEk

"Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you." -Langston Hughes

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

DoPe HeElS (in my opinion)

Ruthie Davis 

David Wyatt



BlAcK hIsToRy MoNtH

It's Black History Month! I would just like to say that we as a people have come a very long way, however, there is still progress that needs to be made.
The Black Community, in my opinion, is still suffering.
We have to the past go and start making changes for our future.
The excuse, "The white man's holding us back," is no longer acceptable.
Slavery was abolished in 1865, and yes racism is STILL alive!
But we have to consider all the other options and opportunities that we have, that most of our ancestors did not.
We also need to show our ancestors some respect by not bad mouthing other races or settling for less.
Yes, some of us are STILL judged by our skin color, but we cannot let that hinder us from becoming better people.
My friend SNOOPY, pointed something out to me; we have a month to pay homage, honor and respect to the black community and history, while other races do not; (well not familiar).
That in its self is an award.
We have to first start loving ourselves and realizing that regardless of what statistics say, we will and CAN do much better!
We have to stop falling into stereotypes; other races sometimes believe these stereotypes wholeheartedly.
We have to remain humble and meek, and follow God's instructions.
Because at the end of the day we're all here, trying to make it up in the sky :)

stay encouraged, positive, and unique..