Friday, June 17, 2011

DeAr DiArY..

So here it goes.. There are probably going to be about a billion more entries dealing with this topic, but I guess this'll be the first one.. There are many variations of people, but ONLY one race that we all are associated with.. THE HUMAN RACE! Isn't that more important; does it matter what variation we are?! We are all made differently, talk differently, walk differently, etc. I mean the list goes on.. And sometimes everyone isn't going to relate or like those peculiar concepts, but it's up to US to accept OUR OWN SELVES, I REPEAT IT'S UP TO US.. I may not be as tall, skinny, flat-chested, but I'm OK with that.. Isn't that all that matters?! I don't care how people view me physically, because I know when I look in the mirror it's ONLY me && my reflection.. And in my opinion I think I look GREAT! No let's not confuse that with cockiness but it's mere confidence.. I cannot downgrade myself just so I can relate or make you feel at ease.. I cannot help when others compliment me or say certain things that may make you feel insecure.. I am who I AM.. It took sometime to accept me for ME! And YOU and NO ONE else is going to blur my view of my true inner character.. Beauty has several standards, I mean let's be real who states the qualifications for beauty?! Skin color has NOTHING to do with that! AT ALL! REALIZE THAT! Confidence and acceptance comes from within.. It starts from our roots and foundations.. The people we are today are a result of either our past and/or our experiences in life.. Beauty is more than skin deep.. That's OBVIOUS! where you been at?! You out of everybody should known I am not a judgemental ESPECIALLY when it comes to skin color and/or beauty! God is the ultimate BEAUTY in my opinion, and we ALL were made in HIS image therefore we ALL are B E A T I F U L! To be continued..

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